Tei / UsId Verify Service numbers ISDN GeoPort Telephone Tool ISDN GeoPort Tool ISDN GeoPort Setup OK Level 3 state (channel 1 - channel 2): Country: U19 - release request U12 - disc. indication U11 - disc. request U10 - connected U8 - connection request U7 - call received U6 - call present U4 - call presented U3 - calling U2 - dialing transmission U1 - initialize call U0 - inactive U%0 - unexpected state 8 - timer restart 7 - established 6 - waiting interrupt 5 - calling 4 - TEI assigned 3 - waiting for TEI 2 - waiting for TEI 1 - TEI not assigned %0- unexpected state F8 - loss of frame locking F7 - activation F6 - synchronization F5 - identification of inputs F4 - waiting for a signal F3 - deactivation F%0 - unexpected state TDM HSD LSD Transparent Transparent X25 on D channel X25 LAPB HDLC V14E Transparent --- unused --- Subaddress: Subaddress Number: EAZ: Directory number Level 3 state Level 2 state Level 1 state TEI Usage Channel 2 Channel 1 B1 (Voice) B2 (Data) Service Profile Id Status: %0 ISDN Status Settings Device Status Country: Language used: